There is a growing awareness that the COVID shots are not vaccines and are not behaving like vaccines.  Many of us knew this from the beginning and refused to take them or recommend them.  We were assured they were safe, tested and necessary to defeat the COVID pandemic by the CDC, FDA, and WHO.  We now know that millions have been injured by this experimental gene therapy and are living a life of illness and desperate to find help.  They are either not believed by their healthcare providers or told there is no answers for their myriad problems.  There are over 1200 published studies in the medical literature detailing the medical consequences of these shots in tens of thousands of patients.  And this is just the tip of the iceberg!   There seems to be a strange silence about this problem from our government and the traditional medical establishment.

The symptoms of Post Vaccine Syndrome (PVS) are numerous and sound strangely similar to Post COVID Syndrome (PCS), which I have addressed on another page.  They include fatigue, muscle and joint pains, brain fog, strange neurological symptoms, GI problems, autoimmunity, sleep disturbances, and psychological distress.  The FLCC Alliance, of which I am a member, has published a PVS treatment protocol that I follow if you are suffering from these problems.  The goal is to stop spike protein production that the mRNA shots induce by your own cells.  We also attempt to bind the spike protein to deactivate and remove it.  There are treatments to strengthen your immune system to help eliminate the spike protein and stop the symptoms.  There are multiple steps in the PVS protocol depending on how you respond to each therapy.

As with PCS, a careful search for underlying Biotoxin Illness must be undertaken since the manufacture of the spike protein by either COVID infection or the mRNA shots can serve as a priming event for CIRS.  If CIRS is found to be a cause of your illness and is treated simultaneously with the PVS protocol, the PVS will improve significantly.  Otherwise, the PVS treatment protocol seems to help many patients that do not have CIRS to recover.