
Below you will find the names, details, and download for relevant handouts.

The Man in the Hole – This is a short story by Dr. Gruning about what it has been like for most of his CIRS patients before coming to him.

The Woman in the Hole – This is a short story by Dr. Gruning about what it has been like for most of his CIRS patients before coming to him.

Are the Bible and God real? – What about evolution? Dr. Gruning takes an objective look at each of these subjects and asks readers what they will do with the facts.

The God Who Heals
A short devotional about our healing God and what He wants you to know about His plan to heal you

Quiet Time – Start a daily time with the Lord to grow in your faith and begin to see how God is working in your life and to hear His voice.

Rapture article – Dr. Gruning provides biblical insight regarding the return of Jesus Christ and the new bodies we will someday receive.

God’s Promises – God has provided us with many promises in the Bible . Learn them and claim them as your own on your healing journey.

Defeating Pain with Lifestyle Changes – Here is Dr. Gruning’s protocol to follow to decrease inflammation and pain.

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