The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a deadly toll, especially among the elderly and immunocompromised.  However, a larger problem is looming that very few doctors and clinics are addressing.  That is the problem of Post Covid Syndrome (PCS) or the “Long Haulers”.  The CDC has stated that 24 million people, or 10% of adult COVID infected patients, develop chronic symptoms lasting more than 3 months.  These can include fatigue, headaches, muscle pains, GI problems, brain fog and strange neurological symptoms.  It is debilitating and prevents those afflicted from returning to work and family as a functional participant.  Perhaps you are one of these unfortunate people?

When examining Post Covid Syndrome (PCS), as it is termed, there are a few interesting things to note.  First, the symptoms are exactly the same as those we see with Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).  Second, PCS patients treated for CIRS using the Shoemaker protocol get dramatically better.  Transcriptomic and NeuroQuant studies done on PCS patients show the typical findings we see with CIRS: hypometabolism, elevated Cytokines and immune inflammation, brain atrophy, and neuroendocrine dysregulation.  Could it be that PCS is really CIRS?

CIRS is the result of a genetic defect on Chromosome 6 in an area called HLA.  There are a number of HLA haplotypes which are readily identified through blood testing.  This defect results in an inability to process the antigens from the Biotoxin organisms in a water damaged buildings.  There are other HLA defects that result in an inability to process borrelia (the cause of acute Lyme Disease) and the result is Chronic Lyme Syndrome.  Other Biotoxins include Brown Recluse Spider Bites, Pfisteria, Red Tide, Blue Green Algae, and Ciguatera fish poisoning.  What if COVID is another Biotoxin triggering the same CIRS  symptoms and pathology?  

CIRS always has a priming event, something that triggers the genetic defect so that the person starts to react negatively to their environment.  My patients can always identify a time when things got dramatically worse with their health.  Examples include Epstein Barr infections such as mononucleosis, Pneumonia, Trauma such as surgery (Hysterectomy) or a car accident, Childbirth, or emotional trauma such as abuse.  Exposure to a bad WDB can also prime the HLA.  What if COVID is another priming event that sets off the hypometabolism and inflammatory cascade we see with CIRS?

If this is true, then PCS patients will not get better with traditional treatments such as antibiotics, antifungals, steroids, and chemotherapy drugs; in fact, they will get worse due to the effects of these things on the microbiome (flora), mitochondria, thyroid and adrenal function.  If you suffer from PCS, you will not get better by the use of the latest and greatest diet, detox, vitamins and supplements, either.  Some of these things may help temporarily and may be employed in CIRS treatment.  You will only get better with a comprehensive program to identify the source of your Biotoxin Illness and a treatment plan to address it.  

Let us help you identify the cause of your symptoms and work with you on a plan to treat it.  Healing is possible.  Have hope!