Hope for the Tired and Hurting

Are you one of a growing population of people with symptoms of fatigue or muscle pains? No, we are not talking about occasional tiredness from lack of sleep or muscle aches from overuse. We mean severe, unrelenting fatigue that does not improve with sleep and prevents you from doing many things; or, muscle pains in many different locations, day in and day out, that also prevent you from participating in activities or require frequent analgesics.

Are you plagued with brain fog?  No, not the occasional lapse in memory where you forgot where you put your keys or what someone told you a little while ago.  We are talking about persistent problems with short term memory, finding the right words to say, and difficulty with focus and concentration.  People are telling you they are concerned because you forget things often.  You are concerned because you are not sharp and it is affecting your ability to function at home and at work.  Are you developing dementia?

Are you troubled with gut problems like constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel, food allergies, bloating, pain, indigestion, and reflux that limits your ability to eat?  Yes, this could be the result of your diet or past surgeries.  However, it can also be a sign of Leaky Gut Syndrome and resultant malabsorption of nutrients.  What caused that?

Are you afraid because you have developed strange neurological symptoms that doctors can’t find answers for, despite many tests?  This can include numbness, tingling, weakness, tics, nerve pain, vertigo, dizziness, and visual problems.  Have you been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder and been told you need to go on immunosuppressive drugs to control the symptoms, but you are afraid of the side effects (including death)?

Have you been struggling with persistent symptoms since you had COVID?  You have heard about Post COVID Syndrome (PCS) or Long Haul COVID and are afraid you have that.  It seems there is no cure for it.  Are you going to stay like this forever? Have you been having strange and debilitating symptoms since you had the so-called COVID vaccine?   The Vaccine Injury Syndrome (VIS) seems to be under a lot of debate, but you can’t argue how you have felt since you got the shots.  Are you ever going to recover from these horrible symptoms?

If that describes you, then there is hope. You have probably already been to multiple doctors and other healthcare practitioners without any answers or improvement. This may have been going on for years. Some of our patients have been dealing with this for over 50 years! You have been told you had mostly normal tests and that you had any of the following diagnoses: Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Immune Deficiency, Lyme Disease, Mold Illness, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Heavy Metal Poisoning, Leaky Gut, Irritable Bowel, Parasites, and Chronic Epstein-Barr Infection. Have you been told you had Post-COVID Syndrome or long haul COVID? You may have also been called Depressed, Anxious, Bipolar, Hormonal, and a Hypochondriac.

By now, many of you have tried almost everything to feel better. You have been on different diets; taken handfuls of vitamins and herbs; been to alternative medicine healers; taken all kinds of medications including antidepressants, analgesics, and sleep aids; been through counseling and psychiatric care; gone through chelation and other detoxifying therapies; and may have been to new age healers to normalize your energy flow. You may have resorted to alcohol, drugs, CBD, Medical Marijuana, or stimulants like caffeine. They all seem to help a little for a short time, but then the same symptoms return as bad as ever.

The International Center for Health and Wellness has been blessed with an understanding of these disorders that, while not new, is comprehensive and holistic. As a treatment center focused on the care of Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, Environmental Toxicity and Biotoxin Illness (Mold Illness)Post Covid Syndrome, Post Vaccine Syndrome, and Hormone Imbalance we believe we can help you. We believe complete healing is possible for you.

Dr. Gruning practices Functional Medicine, which is a more holistic approach to patient care.  Functional Medicine is a personalized, systems-oriented model that empowers patients and practitioners to achieve the highest expression of health by working in collaboration to address the underlying causes of disease.  Dr Gruning treats the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms.  He spends time with patients to listen to their history and perform a targeted physical exam, usually an hour on the first visit.  He looks at the interaction between genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors.  He then orders the appropriate diagnostic tests and reviews all of the findings with you.  Together, you then develop a treatment plan for your recovery.  Dr.Gruning has extensive handouts to help you remember every detail of your plan and what is expected for you to heal.  

Remember, there is no magic pill for what you have.  It will take some work.  However, it will be worth it!

Have hope, and a little bit of faith, and we’ll begin the journey together to healing and restored health.