The cornerstones of the treatment plan for CIRS are to remove yourself from exposure and start a binder to remove the Biotoxins. I am told all of the time that a patient has been on charcoal or some other binder for years and feels no better. There is a good reason for that.
Biotxins include indoor Toxic Molds, Actinomycetes, gram negative bacterial Endotoxins, Borrelia (the organism causing Chronic Lyme Disease), Ciguatera, Brown Recluse Spider toxin, Dinoflagellates (Red Tide), Cyanobacteria (blue green algae, microcystis), and perhaps COVID. All of these are negatively charged. Those with HLA haplotypes associated with CIRS are incapable of removing them due to defective antigen presentation. They recirculate through enterohepatic recirculation and are never removed.
In order to remove the Biotoxins, a binder is needed. There are many things available to bind toxins and remove them from the human body. For example, charcoal is readily available and is frequently mentioned on the internet. I wish it would work, but it does not remove Biotoxins. It is the wrong chemical charge. We need a binder that is positively charged to remove the negatively charged Biotoxins. The same problem is true for chitosan, zeolite, and other natural binders/detox agents. They don’t remove biotoxins. They do remove other toxins, but not these. Things that remove heavy metals, like DMPS and EDTA, do not work either as they are negatively charged and remove positively charged metals.
The best binders available for Biotoxins are Cholestyramine and Welchol (colesevelam). They are the correct chemical charge (positive) and have a proven track record (over 20 years) of removing Biotoxins and helping CIRS patients to heal. So, don’t experiment. Stick with the right binder for the right problem. Start slowly and take it in conjunction with the proper supplements to prevent an intensification reaction (not a Herxheimer reaction). Take it as instructed by a healthcare provider skilled in dealing with Biotoxins (through the Shoemaker protocol) and the reactions/problems that can occur.